Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rune Wizards Can Walk With Odin

Rune - Wizard - Odin

As an aspiring Rune Wizard, it is important that you connect with the energies of Odin, the All-Father. He is the master Norse Sorcerer, Wizard, Shaman, and Magician.

When I say connect, I mean you must build resonant frequencies within your own Aura to Odin. What energies we carry in our Aura attracts people, places and events into our lives.

We don't want to use out dated Asatru and Viking Rituals that bring us back into the time of Odin and the Vikings. We want to bring Odin into the 21st Century so he can walk with us and guide us into the NOW.

Speaking of the 21sr Century, we are now in the galactic space called the Age of Aquarius. Our whole Solar System has rotated around the Galactic Sun. We need a new paradigm for contacting and attracting the wisdom and energies of the Runes and Norse Gods/Goddesses.

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. The Laws of Quantum Physics have given us the language we can use to build our new paradigm.

Simply stated: the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is for all intents and purposes the Mind of God.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time, no past, present nor future. There is only the NOW. There is no space only the HERE. That is a good definition for the Creator God, an infinite point called the HERE-NOW.

The runes and Gods/Goddesses of the North all exist in the Quantum Ocean in the Here-Now. As a Rune Wizard, you will want to contact and connect with the energies of the Runes and Odin in the HERE-NOW OF TODAY. You don't want to go backwards. You want to bring the energies of Odin and the Runes to you, in the now.

How do you get the energies within your Aura so that you can use and communicate with Odin and the Runes?

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that what you think upon you will attract. Thoughts and symbols are all tools that you can use to connect with Odin and the Runes.

Therefore, on a daily basis, have thoughts of Odin, meditate on his image, inhale his Runes into your Aura.

You can simply start by holding the print of Odin in your hands and looking at it. Do this in your favorite chair every morning, before leaving the house to go to work.

Now, mentally inhale and intone, "I am now making contact with Odin and I am bringing him and his wisdom out of the Quantum Ocean and into my Aura where I can talk with him and use his energies.

Do this three times. Talk to Odin in your mind. Visualize him sitting in the room with you. When you leave your home bring him with you in your car and take him to work with you.

Befriend him. Talk to him. Feel him. Soon you will know him and you will feel him in your every day life. Ask him Rune Wizard questions. Keep a notebook with you at all times and record your impressions, thoughts and intuitions.

You want Odin and his wisdom in your life? Build resonant linkages. I did and I met him on a snowy evening in the mountains of Pennsylvania. I wrote about it in my book "Conversations with Odin."

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rune Wizard Norse Gods

Rune - Wizard - Gods

As a Norse Rune Wizard, you need to have a good understanding of the functions and powers of the pantheon of Nordic-Germanic Gods and Goddesses.

Then you must get their energies inside your Aura so that you can project them into physical reality when you need them.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us everything is energy. You are energy. The Runes are energy, the Gods/Goddesses of the North are energy. Our whole Universe and physical reality is energy.

We are also told that our inner energy system of who and and what we are is connected to our outer physical reality by our Aura. What energies we carry in our Auras attracts people, places and events to us.

We all exist in two places at the same time. In the Quantum Ocean and in our physical reality (body.)

By thinking about, meditating upon and mentally being with the gods/goddesses you actually attract them out of the Quantum Ocean and into your Aura.

Take one of the Gods a day to work with. Sit comfortably in your favorite chair and look intently at the print of the particular god you wish to spend the day with. Breathe their energies into your Aura. Then take them mentally with you during the day. Talk to them. Ask them pertinent questions pertaining to their powers and functions. Once a day, REPETITION, REPETITION, REPETITION.

Here is a short description of powers and functions of the Gods and Goddesses that you can use.

Odin is the All Father. When he walks Midgard, he usually wears a blue cloak with wide brim hat and long hood. You can have him bring along his two wolves and ravens if you want.

You can ask Odin to help you on matters of wisdom, magic, solving problems and creating opportunities. He is also the "stirrer of Inspiration" which is perfect for writers, and artists.

Thor is the Powerful God of Thunder. He is a big powerful god with a red beard and brandishing a hammer. You can confer with Thor about the weather, storms, lightening, electricity, protection and health. He offers protection when you travel.

Tyr, lesser known that the first two mentioned, is non the less, an important God of Battle and Justice. He is a Viking warrior who carries a sword and a spear. He lost his right hand when the Fennris Wolf bit it off. Tyr will bring you justice and victory against your opponents. Invoke him for justice in all legal matters, for truth, victory and success.

Njord is the the God of Nature, coasts, and ships. He likes to be called Orkel (uncle). You can talk to him about prosperity, ships, fishing and travel.

Frey is another God of Nature and horses. He is a strong young man riding a golden boar. He is the the Male God for Love. He will help increase masculinity.

Heimdal is the guardian. He is dazzling and is called the "White God." He guards the Bifrost Bridge to Asgard. Talk to Heimdal to help you build your powers of observation and when crossing over bridges, fords and ferries. He will guard your home as well.

Ull is the Sky God and a master archer. His arrow never misses it's mark. Talk to him about hunting and winter travel.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

As a Rune Wizard, you have to have a intimate Relationship with the Norse Gods and their powers. You will need to be able to invoke and project the energies of any one of them any where you desire.. This is an energy and mental world. Not a physical one. Get to mentally know the energies of the Norse Gods.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Rune Wizard + Thor's Hammer

Rune-Wizard-Thor's- Hammer

I remember something one of my rune masters told me when I was studying. "Use your both eyes," he said. "your 100 year eye on the present, and your 1000 year eye on the past, present and future together."

What he was saying is that life is continuous and nobody ever dies. The new Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that everything that is, was or ever will be exists in an infinite ocean called the quantum ocean.

He was telling me from his deep well of knowledge that everything that I say and do not only affects my present life, but my future and even has the power to change the past. This is very deep and I still need many years of mediation and contemplation to fully understand his words.

So at all times while you are learning and studying to be a rune wizard, keep reminding yourself why you and doing it and what you intend to achieve with these new powers. Also understand that these new powers that you will achieve hold grave consequences with them.

The real purpose of life on the planet is to evolve. We Northern Europeans (like the Greeks and Romans before us) have a pantheon of gods and goddesses and we are to become more god like, like them. But we still have to handle our every day affairs and work hard to keep the culture of our ancestors alive for our grand children, especially in thees politically correct times.

One of the most popular and powerful rune talisman's you can use as a rune wizard is your Thor's hammer.

My wife Lory and I never leave home without them. We wear them around our necks on a leather thong. You can surf the net and buy one for yourself. Or better still carve a small one out of oak and drill a hole in it and wear it around your neck.

The Laws of Quantum Physics are explaining many things to us. Everything is created by thought and energy. What ever energies we Carry in our auras attracts like energies form the physical world around us.

By wearing your Thor's Hammer when we go out we build a protective shield around our auras similar to Scotty's (Star Trek) force filed shields.

As a rune wizard you can use your Thor's Hammer whoever you travel on this plane or another.

The Hammer of Thor

The Thor's Hammer will represent your consciousness to connect you to any point in space and them to return back to yourself. You can project it to any space-time continuum of your particular universe, that you will build in your own mind. Rune wizard work is 90% mental.

It can be developed as a tool to break all self-imposed limitations of time and space. Time and space travel.

Once you have your Thor's Hammer activated in your aura it will perform many things for you. With repeated practice you will learn more and more about this most powerful tool of the rune wizard.

Thor's hammer is perhaps the best tool for conscious projection. It collects within itself the three elements of will ,mental and astral emotional energies. Once you have charged your hammer you can align these elements toward a specific purpose.

All you will need to do is to throw Thor's Hammer toward your goal which exists in the quantum ocean. Thor's Hammers is your too that reaches beyond the confines of space and time. It is your instrument of power, your connection to your universe, your power of projecting into the universe whatever energies you charge the hammer with.

Thor's hammer therefore, is the most powerful of all runic talismans. You need to learn how to use it properly. The major part of your education will come from the hammer itself. just by wearing it and thinking and meditating upon it doors will open. Mimir's Well will open to you.

The spiritual parts and elements of your Thor's Hammer will be directed with the powers of your imagination. The more you practice the more skillful you will become.

Get serious and stat your meditations, studying and practicing now.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Friday, June 20, 2008

Rune Master Guido Von List

Guido Von List

Armanen Runes

As a Rune Wizard you need to breath the energies of the 18 rune futhork into every cell of your body. You need to study all the Rune Wizards
, Rune Shamans and Rune Sorcerers that have gone before you. The Internet is a great source --- start surfing.

Guido Von List Quotes

* "One must flee those places where life throbs and seek out lonely spots untouched by human hand in order to lift the magic veil of nature" - Guido von List, 'Deutsch Mythologische Landschaftsbilder', 1st volume, P. 125.

* "Now, because men of our contemporary age are caught up in the ascetic view of a life-denying religious system, but in spite of this cannot deny the primal laws of nature, a distorted morality had to be developed, which spreads hypocritical appearances over hidden actions. This has brought to a head all those outward forms of modern life, whose vacuousness and corruption are now beginning to disgust us." - Guido von list, 'Das Geheimnis der Runen'

* "A star is extinguished, another will begin to shine - thus it is written in the Book of Nature" - Guido von list, 'Der Ubesiegbare'

The 18 rune Futhork of Guido Von List is the most powerful of all runes.

Quotes are from Guido von List in 1910 from the book "Guido v. List. Der Wiederentdecker uralter arischer Weisheit." by Johannes Balzli published in 1917

Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (October 5, 1848 – May 17, 1919), author of The Secret of the Runes, was an occult and völkisch author who is seen as one of the most important figures in Germanic revivalism, Germanic mysticism and runic revivalism in the late 19th, early 20th Century.

List was born in Vienna in the Austrian Empire to Karl Anton List, a prosperous middle class leather goods dealer, and Maria List (née Killian). He grew up in the Leopoldstadt district of Vienna. Like the majority of his fellow Austrians at that time, his family was Roman Catholic, and he was christened as an infant in St Peter's Church in Vienna.

In 1862 a visit to the catacombs beneath the Stephansdom made a deep impression, and List regarded the catacombs as a pagan shrine. As an adult he claimed he had then sworn to build a temple to Wotan (Odin) when he grew up.Heidentor (pagan gate), at Carnuntum.

On June 24, 1875 list was camping with four friends near the ruins of Carnuntum. As the 1500th anniversary of the Germanic tribes defeat over this Roman garrison in 375, the evening carried a lot of weight for List. Carnuntum became the title of List's first full-length novel, published in two volumes in 1888. After its success, it was followed by two more books set in tribal Germany; Jung Diether's Heimkehr (Young Diether's Homecoming, 1894) and Pipara (1895). These books led to List being celebrated by the pan-German movement. Around the turn of the century, he continued with several plays.

During the final stages of World War I the naval blockade of the Central Powers created food shortages in Vienna. This caused poor health in the now 70 year old von List. In the spring of 1919 he set off to recuperate in Brandenburg, Germany, but his health deteriorated quickly, and he died of pneumonia in Berlin on May 17. He was cremated in Leipzig and his urn then buried in Vienna Central Cemetery, Zentralfriedhof, on the 8th of October 1919 in the gravesite KNLH 413 - Vienna's largest and most famous cemetery (including the graves of Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert and Strauss.) in Vienna's 11th district of Simmering. Philipp Stauff wrote an obituary which appeared in the Münchener Beobachter.

List was strongly influenced by the Theosophical thought of Madame Blavatsky, which he blended with his own Wotanist religion and Germanic Paganism.

List claimed that the Hermionen mentioned in Tacitus was a Latinized version of the German Armanen, and named his religion the Armanenschaft, which he claimed to be the original religion of the Germanic tribes. His conception of that religion was a form of sun worship, with its priest kings as legendary rulers of ancient Germany. List claimed that the dominance of the Roman Catholic Church in Austria-Hungary constituted a continuing occupation of the Germanic tribes by the Roman empire, albeit now in a religious form, and a continuing persecution of the ancient religion of the Germanic peoples and Celts.

He also believed in magical powers of the old runes. In 1891 he claimed that heraldry was based on the magic of the runes. In April 1903, he had sent an article concerning the alleged Aryan proto-language to the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Its highlight was a mystical and occult interpretation of the Runic alphabet.

Guido Von List: Runic Revivalism

The row of 18 so-called "Armanen Runes", also known as the "Armanen Futharkh" came to List while in an 11 month state of temporary blindness after a cataract operation on both eyes in 1902. This vision in 1902 allegedly opened what List referred to as his "inner eye", via which he claimed the "Secret of the Runes" was revealed to him. List stated that his Armanen Futharkh were encrypted in the Hávamál (Poetic Edda), specifically in stanzas 138 to 165, with stanzas 146 through 164 reported as being the 'song' of the 18 runes.

The Armanen runes are still used today by some Ásatrú adherents who consider the Armanen runes to have some religious and/or divinatory value.

List's influence continued to grow after the official founding of the Guido-von-List-Gesellschaft on March 2, 1908. From 1908 through to 1912, new members included the deputy Beranek (a co-founder of the "Bund der Germanen" in 1894), Hermann Brass (chairman of the defence League of Germans in North Moravia [est. 1886]), Dankwart Gerlach (an ardent supporter of nationalist and romantic Youth Movements), Carl Friedrich Glasenapp (biographer of Richard Wagner), Colonel Karl Hellwig (volkish organiser in Kassel), Bernard Koerner (the heraldic expert and populariser of middle-class genealogy), Josef Ludwig Reimer (an author in Vienna), Philipp Stauff (a Berlin journalist), Kark Herzog (DHV Manheim branch chairman), Franz Hartmann (a leading German theosophist), Arthur Weber (a theosophical editor), Karl Hilm (occult novelist), General Blasius von Schemua, the collective membership of the "Vienna Theosophical Society" and Karl Heise (a leading figure in the vegetarian and mystical mazdaznan cult of Zurich).

"The wonderful thing concerning the Runes is that they have an individual life, that the interpretation and meaning is within them and not within us, not in our arbitrary thinking (abstracting)."

We all need Help in this very fast and difficult world. We all need more money, better health and more love.


We need a method, a vehicle, a means to attract more health, wealth and love into our lives, NOW!

Banks won't do it. Hospitals and doctors won't do it. Dressing up, losing weight and combing our hair wont do it.


"The murmuring Runes of the Universe, the sacred symbols of Salvation of the Cosmos are deeply buried within ourselves, in our soul as inherited memories. They call, murmur and rush within us, and we could not get them outside of us by imitation, if they were not built into us since eternity.

May the murmur of the Runes Call us to action.

Wake them up!

Today we must use the Sword of the Mind (Quantum Physics), it is more polished and sharper and makes our victory certain.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Rune Wizard Charms and Spells

Rune Wizard Charms

Before you can start practicing being a Rune Wizard, you must pay your dues. The Magic is in the price that has been paid. And the price to pay is to gather all the knowledge you can about Rune Wizards past, present and future.

My message to you is this: We have entered the "Age of Aquarius" and will stay there for 2000 years. The Age of Pisces which created formal dogmatic religions is over. But like dinosaurs it will take a while before they are gone.

The Laws of Quantum Physics, which is one of the gifts of this new "Age of Aquarius" tells us that there exists an infinite Ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists there. The Runes, the Norse Gods/Goddesses, the Rune Wizards of old, Rune Spells, Rune Magic, Rune Rituals, etc. are all there. There is no time in the Quantum Ocean, only the NOW.

Our job is to bring the Runes, the Norse Gods/Goddesses, Spells, Chants, Rituals into the NOW, the 21st Century. Using the language of the "Laws of Quantum Physics".

It is a big job, but it is an important one, for what we do here in the beginning of this Age of Aquarius will last 2000 years.

Charms, Chants, Rhymes, Invocations, Spoken Magic are all part of the tool kit belonging to the 21st Century Rune Wizard.

Let us look at some of the older established charms used quite frequently in the Viking Age. You will see how outdated the language and images are. It is our job to update them into modern language with modern images.

His is a charm that protects against Magical attacks and Evil beings.

"Trotter-Head, I forbid you my house and Land; I forbid you my house and cow stable; I forbid you my bedstead, that you may not breathe on me. Breathe into some other home, until you have ascended every hill; until you have counted every fence post and crossed every water, so I charge you in the names of Odin, Thor and Frey."

Trotter-Head, was a slang term used for a Troll or Jotun.

We do not have to protect ourselves from Trolls but what about the TV, the subliminal messages, the cell towers, and Elf towers. What about all the harmful vibrations being constantly being sent to us and our children 24/7?

We need protection from these "Trotter-Heads!.” Work one for yourself and your family.

Look at the following magical protective spell. Notice that it covers everything and leaves no loose ends or openings for error or misinterpretation.

"Thor, do protect me against all weapons, long or short, of any metal. Keep their Fire as Moljinir kept it's fire before and after being made. Thor binds all arms as he has bound himself with his belt of strength. Thor renders harmless like unto Jord, who is herself harmless. Thor protect me against being killed and against burning fires. Do no let me be killed or cursed. May all the Aesir and Vanir, Alfs and Diser, Vaetter and Nisse assist me in this."

Again the language and images are antiquated. Now the enemies are mental, psychic and subliminal.

The task is yours to protect yourself and your family from the evils of the 21st century. If you do not stop these harmful mental and subliminal energies from harming your children, no one else will.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rune Wizard Candles Mental Plane

Bring the Candle Ceremony
To the Mental Plane


Keep in mind that what I am sharing with you is how to become a Rune Wizard of the 21st century. This means working as a Rune Wizard from the mental plane, not the physical plane. Working from the peace, quiet and safety of your own home.

The only real safe place to practice the rituals and magic of your North European Culture is on the mental plane.. The powerful powers to be who want everyone to be politically correct and wear a size 9 shoe will harass anyone who tries to be different.

So, go where they can't spy on you. Your mind, the mental plane. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us there is an infinite ocean of intelligent thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. It responds to your thoughts and mind. Go There to work.

But before you can begin your mental rituals and journeys you must full understand about the tools of Rune Wizards on the physical plane.

Gather all the info you can gt and store it in a special place in your mind. A place where you can recall it when you want it and need it.

There is hardly any rune ceremonial where Light would not play an important role. Light is neutral. Depending on the action to be performed it assumes some color. Since Light is so important, most ceremony contain and include something that symbolizes Light. Candles are the preferred utensil to symbolize Light. Of course, there are deeper symbolic meanings connected with candles than that of giving Light. As you become familiar with various methods involving candles you will understand better the many symbolic meanings that candles connect with. Consequently you will be capable to touch upon more dimensions that involve the symbolism of the candles This will greatly increase the effectiveness of your magical operations.

Candles, as we know, are made of various materials, mostly paraffin, more seldom true bees' wax. Candles may be scented and colored, tailored to special lengths and shapes, etc. As you progress, you will learn to include colors and shapes of candles into the overall symbolism of your ceremony. You will store these images in your mind.

The significance of candles reaches into may levels. Since candles are mostly thought to symbolize Light, they are the only source of light in many ceremonies. The specific color of the candle will symbolize the sphere(s) with which the operator wants to be in contact during the ceremony. The number of candles used has another symbolic meaning. Candles are an excellent tool to help your powers of visualization and imagination. The flame of a candle is an ideal focu

When you practice with Runes you can use any number of candles that correspond to the specific higher order energies used in your operation. You may use one candle that has the Rune engraved which you practice. Instead of engraving the Rune, you can put the candle candle holder on a piece of cardboard or wood that has the Rune drawn on it. This Rune should be charged before use. Excellent is a set of 18 candle holders, each one with another Rune drawn or engraved on it. Visualize yourself surrounded by the candles.

Many ceremonies require the use of more than one candle. You may go all the way and use eighteen candels in your ceremony, one for each Rune. When you use eighteen candles, I recommend that you inscribe one Rune on each candle. You arrange these eighteen candles the same way you arrange the 18 Rune stave's. You should put one candle to the side of each Rune stave. Candles of bees wax have some advantages over candles made of paraffin: There is more "life" in them. The color of the candles is to match the purpose of your operation. White candles are good for every operation. In the case of bees wax candles the natural wax color is equally universal.

One candle alone or two candles serve as an excellent focus. Such a focus is very helpful for your concentration and visualization powers. Two techniques are useful, depending on the number of candles. While looking at the flame of one candle see visions in the halo around the candle. When you use two candles, look in the space between the flames of both candles. The best distance is between six and eight inches apart. In either case you will better be able "to grasp the arrow with the look of your eyes."

As a practice, you can use only ONE candle for you Runeing, where it can serve as an added focus. Engrave the Rune in the candle. Practice the following way:

1. Put your candle on the altar, or table.2. Establish your outer and inner Rune Realms. For murmuring practice alone, the inner Rune Realm is sufficient.3. Light the candle. 4. Be aware that there is an OUTER Rune Realm around you of which the candle is a focal point for the Rune which you practice.5. Practice your chanting and murmuring.6. Look into the flame of the candle, imagine that the Rune is in the halo that surrounds the flame. Then close your eyes and remain a few minutes in silent meditation. Wait for insights, feelings, visions, thoughts, etc. to emerge. Wait for visions that may appear in the halo. It is useful for developing clairvoyance. It also improves your dream life.7.

When you decide to end the practice, say: "Powers of . . . (name of Rune) Thank you for your energy Flow back to the Realms of Creation!"8. Imagine, or visualize, the Rune energies grounding, flowing into the ground, as water flows down a drain, or seeps into sandy soil.9. Extinguish the flame of the candle.10. Write your experiences in your diary.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Inner and Outer Realms

In this 21st Century Age of Aquarius, a Rune Wizard must perform all his magic from the mental plane. They must visualize what to do before they can do it.

But first you must build your mental tool box with everything that is needed. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us 'thoughts are things' and therefore it is the thoughts and visualizations that contain the power.

You need to establish within yourself a space, a mental space, within which you can work. When you draw the Runic energies out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, you have to put them somewhere in your mind.

When you sit in your favorite chair or stand in a copse of Oak trees, in the forest, you must first visualize an outer Rune Realm all about you.

The Workspace within your mind where you will do your mental work will be your Inner Rune Realm. It is here where you draw the Runic Energies from the Quantum Ocean using the power of your mind and your visualization. You can connect the three realms. The outer Rune Realm of your Environment, The inner Rune Realm of your Mind and the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. The three Realms permeate and inter-permeate one another.

In the Outer-Rune Realm, around your favorite chair or outdoor spot, you need to visualize your magical utensils. Set up Magical structures which will protect and free you to do your work.

As a Rune Wizard, you will be using the four elements in your future work, so you want to have the symbols of the elements surrounding you while you sit in your chair.

If your chair is facing North visualize a large, gold coin which represents the element Earth or matter in front of you. Make it as large or small as you like. Behind you is South so visualize a candle or the flame of a fire.

On your Right side is East, the side of 'air." Visualize a dagger, a symbol which represents the element Air.

On your Left side is West, where you can visualize a lake, a river or an ocean or just a simple cup of water to represent the element water.

As a Rune Wizard feel free to mentalize whatever symbols you wish to represent the four elements. You now have your will (Fire), Mind (Air), Emotions (Water), and Consciousness (Earth) surrounding you symbolically.

When you perform your magic you will direct your will power, control your thoughts, focus your emotions, and conscious attitude.

The Rune Wizard is not like an ordinary Magician, who thinks one thing, feels another, says something different and does something else all together. A Rune Wizard is focused in his mental Rune Magic.

Now protect yourself and your Outer Rune Realm by visualizing a protective sphere or bubble all around you. You do not want any interfering energies to enter your Inner or Outer Rune Realms to disturb you.

Finally in your mind's eye, create a circle of Runes surrounding you. Begin with the Rune Fa in the North, directly in front of you. Going counter-clockwise visualize all the Runes surrounding you until you reach Gibor next to the Rune Fa.

Practice this Outer Rune Ritual as you sit in your chair. The four elements are symbolically placed North, South, East and West of your chair.Just outside these elements is a circle of the 18 Runes with you sitting in the middle.Finally you and your Outer Rune Realm are surrounded by a sphere or bubble of White Light for Protection.

To become a powerful Rune Wizard, you must practice this mental visualization so that you can close your eyes any where and have it metally manifest.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Rune Wizard and Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

To become an efficient and powerful 21st Century Rune Wizard, you must have a working understanding of the Laws of Quantum Physics.

As a Rune Wizard, of the 21st Century, heading into battle, you would be foolish only to be armed with a sword, and shield onto the battle field. The battlefield fields of modern day Rune Wizards is the 'Mind,' the mental level.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that thoughts are things, that the mind creates. And that there exists an infinite ocean of intelligent thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. In reality, it is the Mind of God, the creator God, who place everything that ever was, is or will be into the Quantum Ocean for you as a Norse Rune Wizard to use.

There is no time, no past, no present nor future in the Quantum Ocean, there is only the NOW.

Rune Wizard

The RUNES exist as keys to the Universal Creative Energies of which you will use. All the Norse and Germanic Gods and Goddess's are there. All the Rune Shamans, Rune Sorcerers, and Rune Wizards exist there. Every one down through the centuries, and you and I exist there and her because we have chosen to 'blink out' of the Quantum Ocean and do something to elevate, raise our level of consciousness and strive to become more God-like. We, when we finish the tasks in front of us, we 'blink back' into the Quantum Ocean until our next incarnation.

You have chosen to become either a Rune Shaman, a Rune Sorcerer or a Rune Wizard. Why else would you be reading these pages? There are no coincidences and nothing happens by accident.

As a Rune Wizard, you will use the tools of all the Norse Wizards that went before you. All these tools, Rune Spells, Rune Charms and Rune Rhymes are also contained in the Quantum Ocean, in a self contained storage unit similar to a software program of many software programs in a giant computer.

Rune Wizard

You as a Rune Wizard, can tap into this Norse Rune Wizard Software Program contained in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. You can use what is there and add to what is there. But you cannot change what is there.

A powerful Evil Rune Spell practiced by a Rune Wizard 1000 years ago is still there. You cannot change it. All you can do is not to use it and not touch it with your mind and bring it into manifestation or have it 'blink out' into the physical world now. Leave it alone and let it fade into oblivion in the infinite ocean.

What you must do is take out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, Runes, Rune spells, Rune Chants, and Rune Rhymes which you can update into the 21st Century. You want Runes and spells which have no evil or negative mental energies attached to them by evil Rune Wizards of the past.

As a Rune Wizard, you must understand that the workings of the Quantum Ocean and discriminate as to what energies you wil use in your rituals and allow to 'blink out' into the world.

Rune Wizard

Too many foolish people out there are practicing all kinds of Rune Magic, Rune Rituals, and Rune Spells that they are reading out of books. They are doing Magic that they do not understand and should not do. Their ignorance is releasing negative and dangerous energies into our physical world.

You are not going to be one of those 'wanna-be' Rune Wizards. Take your time, there is no hurry. You have all the time, in eternity to 'blink in' and 'blink out' of the Quantum Ocean to perfect your Rune Wizard skills.

I have written almost a 200 page website explaining the energies of the Runes, the workings of the Quantum Ocean and the 'relationship' between. Build your Mental Rune Wizard tool box before you cast your fist spell or ritual. KNOW what you are DOING. Then ACT.

Rune Wizard and Quantum Physics

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rune Wizard

What is a Rune Wizard

Norse Rune Wizards cast spells, make charms and chant rhymes.

A Norse Rune Spell gives the Rune wizard access, control and direction of life force for a specific purpose.

A Rune Wizard practices Mental Radionics which is Magic at a distance. You need a power source and a spell, charm or rhyme and a target ( where you want the life force "Magical force" to go.)

A Rune Wizard has a large tool kit of materials to set up his spells. stones, metals, herbs, wood, rope, candles air, water, fire, earth are some of them.

Nordic and Germanic Rune Wizards used spoken spell craft which is very powerful It is a form of Mental Radionics.

As a modern 21st Century, Age of Aquarius Rune Wizard, you can invent your own spoken spells for your special needs.

Now you can use the Laws of Quantum Physics which tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of Thinking Energy called the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God. There is no time in the Quantum Ocean only the NOW. All the Gods/Goddesses of the North, the old Rune Charms, spells, rhymes (incantations) are there. The Runes which are individual Keys to the Creative Energies of the Universe are there. All the materials you will need as a Rune Wizard are there. So you can create your own and bing the mythology, power and Wisdom of our Norse Germanic Ancestors into the NOW.

Many of the old Norse Traditions have been buried under a veneer of Christianization. It is time for you, the 21st Century Rune Wizard to clean them off.

The Norse, Germanic and English people adapted the charms, spells and rhymes to the new Christian Religion, rather than discard them completely. They hid them for future use.They are so effective that they felt Christianity could not erase their power..

Rune Wizards do not simply speak or copy spells from a book. The "MIND" of the Rune Wizard is where the power is; not in the words. The emotions of the Rune Wizard is the real power generator. Emotional thoughts are the key to success.

A Rune Wizard must practice, practice, practice the Art until it becomes embedded in the sub-conscious. The Subconscious mind is connected to the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God. This is where all the feelings, moods, images, dreams, invitations and energy exists. Some of the older writers called it the "Astral Plane."

The Rune Wizard's intellectual mind has a language in words, and their sub-conscious has a language in feelings and images.

The Rune Wizard's conscious mind is where they make their decisions. It works with thoughts and ideas. The subconscious uses emotions.

The Rune Wizard must understand the three levels of subconsciousness that exist in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. Their own personal level; the level of the Nordic Germanic Folk and the collective conscious level of all humanity.

The Personal Subconscious of the Rune Wizard takes everything literally. It gives you what it thinks you want. It does this by monitoring your thoughts and feelings.

The Folk Soul or Group Mind must also be considered by the Rune Wizard. Powerful competing energies exist there. Some of the more well known conflicting energies of Folk Souls is that one that exists between the German and the French races. Two world wars precipitated due to these differences.

In America, the North Eastern Group mind is different from that of the Deep South. The Civil War is an example.

The Karma and destiny of the Folk-Soul affects every member of its race whether the individual realizes it or not.

The Rune Wizards uses the Folk Soul to give more power to their Magic. Their spells must first pass through their individual subconscious, through the Folk-Soul subconscious, into the Universal Collective subconscious, the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. Here is where the greatest power exists.

When a Rune Wizard meditates upon a rune, he first touches the energies of the rune contained within his own personal subconscious, then the energies of the runes contained within the Nordic Germanic Folk Soul's subconscious and finally to the runic energies in the Collective Subconscious, the Mind of God. It is from this powerful place that they do their work. There is no time nor space there. Only the NOW!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.